Information For Authors

Author Guidelines for publication in the Academic Journal of Seiyun University

  1. Manuscripts submitted for publication must be original and adhering to the scientific research methodology followed in writing scientific and academic research papers.
  2. Manuscripts must be unpublished and not under review for possible publication in other journals.
  3. The content of manuscripts submitted for publication should not be inconsistent with the values ​​and beliefs of Yemeni, Arab and Islamic society.
  4. Manuscripts submitted for publication is critically read by three anonymous reviewers selected for their competence in the subject area of the manuscript.
  5. Academic Journal of Seiyun University publishes abstracts of theses, academic dissertations, book presentation and criticism, translations, book reviews and reports, scientific works presented in conferences, seminars, and academic and research activities related to the fields of the humanities and the applied sciences.
  6. Authors should send their CVs along with the manuscripts, if they deal with the journal for the first time.
  7. Authors must pay the Article Processing Charges (APC) of the evaluation procedures if they request to withdraw their already-submitted manuscripts and cancel the publishing process.
  8. Yemeni authors, who are not faculty members of Seiyun University need to pay 30000 (thirty thousand) Yemeni riyals as APC. Non-Yemeni authors need to pay 100 (one hundred) US dollars for the same purpose. Payment is made by bank transfer under the name of Scientific Journal of Seiyun University as shown below:


  1. For Yemeni authors, payment is made by money transfer under the name of Scientific Journal of Seiyun University, account No. 254122292, Al-Omgy Company - Seiyun Branch.
  2. For Non-Yemeni authors payment is made by bank transfer to account number 01/1001/0206228at the Central Bank of Yemen, Seiyun Branch.
  3. For institutions, payment is made in Yemeni Riyals or equivalent US dollars under the name of Scientific Journal of Seiyun University. Payment in Yemeni Riyals is transferred to the account No. 1001/0206228and payment in US dollars is made at the account No. 01/1001/0206228 at the Central Bank of Yemen, Seiyun Branch.





Rules for preparing research manuscripts for publication in the Academic Journal of Seiyun University


  • Academic Journal of Seiyun University accepts Arabic and English manuscripts.
  • Manuscripts submitted for publication should not exceed 30 pages for the humanities, and 15 pages for the applied sciences. The pages should be numbered sequentially, including figures, tables, images, appendices, and references.
  • Two abstracts in Arabic and English should be attached to the manuscript, each abstract should be a total of about 200 words maximum.


Manuscripts should be typed in Arabic or English in Microsoft Word format. Arabic manuscripts should be typed with size 14 Traditional Arabic font, 1.5 spacing on A4-paper size, whereas English manuscripts should be typed with size 12 New Roman Times font, 1.5 spacing on A4-paper size. All page margins should be 3 cm and Arabic numerals should be used for page numbering, e.g. 1, 2, 3 etc. The first page begins with the title in the center of the page, which must be concise and clearly expressing the topic of the research. If the title contains a scientific species name, mention within brackets its genus name. The title is immediately followed by the names and addresses of authors.


The manuscript should be prepared as follows:

  1. Abstract: The abstract should be written in Arabic and English as one paragraph including the main parts of the content and the most important results and conclusions, with no more than two hundred words, followed by keywords ranging from 3 to 5 words.
  2. Introduction: The introduction should explain the research problem and its theoretical background and conclude with the research objectives.
  3. Material and research methods: Methodology used to carry out the research must be written clearly. When using a new method for the first time, it is necessary to explain it in detail, while it suffices to mention the reference without listing the details in case the method has been used previously. This section should conclude with the statistical analysis method used in the research.
  4. Results and discussion: Both results and discussion should be combined together under one heading, preferably to conclude with recommendations. The discussion should focus on the interpretation of the results obtained, and compare them with the results of similar works previously carried out.
  5. Abbreviations used in the manuscript should be explained in the section of tools and research methods.
  6. Metric system should be used for weights and measures.
  • Figures and tables should be numbered consecutively according to their appearance in the manuscript.
  • If there are pictures in the manuscript, they should be in black and white. The pictures can be printed in color if the author agrees to pay the costs of that.
  • On a separate sheet, write the following:

(Research title, author(s)’ name(s), academic designation, address, employer, phone number, WhatsApp number, fax number, and e-mail address).


Research documentation

The sources and references in the body of the manuscript are indicated by numbers placed in parentheses according to their serial numbers in the reference list. All references mentioned in the body should be listed at the end of the manuscript in the original language in which the references were written using  serial numbers and ordering them alphabetically by names of authors. The references should be written as follows:

First write author’s last name, then the other names of the author, or their initial letters, then write names of other authors (if existed), followed by year of publication, research title, journal name or place of publication, volume and number of pages.


Here are some examples that can guide you:

  1. Research from a scientific journal

Al-Masry, Waheed Attia. 2015. Introduction to Bioprocess Engineering, King Saud University Journal, 21: 34-95.
Bafadhel, Ahmad Saleh. 2019. A mechanism for achieving the social peace necessary for sustainable development. Al-Arabi Journal of Studies and Research, First Issue: 88-102.

Al-Amodi, Mohammed Othman. 2013. Pathogenicity of three fungi isolated from crown rot of banana in Hadhramout governorate. Aden University Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 17(2): 385-391.

Manqoush, Riyad Abdurahman and Al-Hossaini, Ali Saleh. (2020). Silent love in Irish and Yemeni selected short stories. Research Journal of English and Language and Literature (RJELAL), 8(2):52-59.

Bin Abdl, K.M. and Siti zaiton Mohd Hashim.2010. Swarm-based feature selection for handwriting identification. Journal of Computer Science, 6(1):80-86.

  1. Book

Nasher, Abdul Karim. 2002. An Introduction to Parasitology (1st ed.). 304 pages. Dar Al-Shawkani for Printing and Publishing.
Abu Muhammad, Ibrahim. 2009. The value system and its role in renewal and revival (1st ed.). 140 pages. Dar Al-Asem for Publishing and Distribution.

  1. Chapter from a book

Abbas, Abdul Raouf. 1996. Hormones. In: The Manual of Pharmacology, Part One, pp: 63-175, Prepared by: Akram Al-Maani, Publications of the University of Damascus.
Ibrahim, Firas Muhammad. 2013. The right to express an opinion and its controls. In: Considering Public Opinion (1st ed.), Part Two, pp: 25-71. Dar Al Fajr Printing and Publishing.


  1. Master or PhD thesis

Bin Shihab, Abdullah Muhammad, 2004, Interpretation of the word with the word with one root in the Holy Qur’an: Syntactic / semantic study, PhD thesis, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, College of Arts - Sana'a University - Yemen, 234 pages.


  1. Conference proceedings or scientific symposium

Al-Kathiri, Mohamed Ashour. 2015. Spreading nanotechnology culture and integrating it into the school curricula in Yemen. The 2nd Gulf Conference on Nano Technology Drying, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman.
Bin Shihab, Abdullah Mohammed. 2019. Semiotics of the syntactic term. Ninth International Conference on the Arabic Language, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.


Publication of manuscripts


  1. Manuscripts violating the scientific publishing rules and regulations will not be considered and will be not returned to their authors.
  2. The journal will acknowledge receipt of the manuscript within two weeks of submission.
  3. Authors will be informed of the final decision on their manuscripts once the manuscript is checked by three qualified reviewers chosen confidentially by the editorial board. The final decision will be given within a three month period from submission.
  4. The editorial board has the right to request revision/amendments (minor or major), based on the reviewers’ decision before authorizing the manuscript for publication. The authors should revise and resubmit the manuscript within two weeks.
  5. Author should submit a written declaration to the journal confirming that the manuscript submitted to publications is neither published previously nor be under consideration for publication in another journal.
  6. The journal will not return the unaccepted manuscripts.
  7. Authors will be notified if their manuscripts are rejected without explaining the reasons for rejection.
  8. Once the manuscript has been accepted for publication, copyright automatically transfers to the journal. (The accepted manuscript may not be reproduced elsewhere without written permission from the journal).
  9. Opinions expressed by authors in the manuscripts submitted for publication are not necessarily those of the journal.
  10. Publication priority of manuscripts will be determined by factors, such received date of manuscript and classification needs for topics.