Saeed bin Sa'ad bin Nabhan Al-HadramiA Study in his Syntactic Heritage


  • Najib Mahfoodh Al-Zubidi Author


Ibn Nabhan - Heritage - Syntax –Alresala Alsuniya Aldrt Alyatima


This study was intended to highlight a scholar of Hadramout, Ibn Nabhan. It showed his efforts and syntactic contributions through studying his syntactic heritage, represented in (Aressala Assunia fi ma Tams Alhaja Elaih mn Al-Qawaed Anahawia) and (Aldrt Alyatima fi Alnahw). The study consisted of three chapters. The first one was about Ibn Nabhan, his lineage and life, the second chapter was specified to present his syntactic heritage, and the third chapter revealed his syntactic contributions. One of the most significant results of the study was that Ibn Nabhan was one of the forgotten scholars of syntax, and he left several compilations in various fields of science, most of which were for teaching young people. Additionally, Aldrt Alyatima had contributed through its explanations to the syntactic movement of this century; his sources of evidence varied from verse, and poetry to prose. He also adopted an educational, religious, and valuable path through exemplifying the syntactic issues. His choices tended to turn the scale of the Basrians without fanaticism.







How to Cite

Saeed bin Sa’ad bin Nabhan Al-HadramiA Study in his Syntactic Heritage (N. M. . Al-Zubidi , Trans.). (2024). Scientific Journal of Seiyun University (SJSU), 2(1).