The Pragmatic Defect and its Argumentative Purposes:Models of Critizing Ancient Arabic Poetry


  • Maram Ali Ahmed Al-Farhan Author


: Deliberative, defect, criticism of poetr


pragmatics has received the attention and patronage of researchers. Based on the study of linguistic phenomena in their context, and considering all the statements that are issued that include guidance and a report that result in effective actions, persuasion and influence were the most prominent and an important entry point for linking and synchronizing with the pilgrims. Therefore, the deliberative approach is considered as one of the most important approaches to discourse analysis. Poetry is the mirror of peoples and the transmitter of their civilization, customs and traditions, so critics in the past focused on its moral, social and linguistic evaluation, in a way that makes highlighting its shortcomings and disadvantages evaluation and guiding provisions such as pilgrims its essence, and critics circulate and invoke it for the integrity of their poets’ poems Hence, this research entitled (The pragmatics of the defect and its argumentative purposes in models of criticism of ancient Arabic poetry) derives its value from defective models in the criticism of ancient Arabic poetry, whose defects poets and critics celebrated in different contexts, and became basic pillars in the criticism of ancient Arabic poetry. It obtained powerful judgments, revealing the directions of poetic speech and its linguistic and artistic characteristics. This was implicit only a case of deliberative evaluation and argumentative strategy to direct the correct persuasive path in the recipient's soul away from subjective judgments and temporary taste impressions.







How to Cite

The Pragmatic Defect and its Argumentative Purposes:Models of Critizing Ancient Arabic Poetry (M. A. A. . Al-Farhan , Trans.). (2024). Scientific Journal of Seiyun University (SJSU), 3(2).