Beauty in rock paintings in the South of Arabian peninsula  old Yemen


  • Husain Abu baker Al-Aidaros Author


Rock arts, Camels, south of the Arabian Peninsula , ancient Yemen.


This study discusses the topic of camel's paintings on rocks in the south of the Arabian Peninsula (ancient Yemen), as part of a large group of animal's whose drawings appeared on rocks, but the camel's had a strong relationship with the human being, which was used as a basic means of transport since the middle of the second millennium BC, so its presence was associated with the utilitarian aspect, because of its contributions to the transport side that was reflected in the flourishing of trade in ancient Yemen, while the drawings of other animals were related to the main beliefs,  cow's and Ibex's, and some bird's such as eagle and some reptile's such as snake's and others. Although these drawings were not limited to the southern Arabian Peninsula; the locations in the centre and north of the island were teeming with many. During this study, we mentioned a number of sites scattered in different regions of Yemen as models showing different patterns, shapes, methods and methods of implementing these drawings, which are almost non-different at each stage, and show techniques and technical techniques that reflect the culture and techniques of the regions in which they are found and show their prevalence, thus illustrating the links and relationships and the breadth of their area, as demonstrated through studies and field surveys the weakness of the drawings in their last stages, i.e. in the (writing stage) with the appearance of written texts with them, indicating that they are the language of expression. Before you're an aesthetic artist. Most of the drawing sites have been associated with trade routes and ancient routes since prehistoric times more than anything else. The ancient routes and ramifications of the Arabian Peninsula in general, which were later associated with trade, can be identified as an important 






How to Cite

Beauty in rock paintings in the South of Arabian peninsula  old Yemen (. H. A. baker . . Al-Aidaros , Trans.). (2024). Scientific Journal of Seiyun University (SJSU), 1(1).